Paul Reynolds , irmão gemeo de Peter H. R ,diz (aqui) :
mais aqui ( )
O nosso agradecimento:
"Thank you very much!
We are honored. We are delighted!
It is with joy that we see our work recognized. “The Dot” is one of our favorite books because it opens us to new paths and new visions. It was a pleasure to hold this huge project with the children … was very passionate and surroundings … ! Thanks to Peter H. Reynolds for this book absolutely fantastic!!! "
by PalavrasM
aqui Terry Shay , professor e colaborador da FableVision ,fala de como descobriu o nosso filme:
"A very strange thing happened the other night. I had some free time and I was surfing YouTube. I was hoping to find some cool FableVision things to put on the FableVision Learning Blog. I stumbled across this video from Portugal. I didn't even know the language that the YouTube description was written in, but the magic in the video transcends the language barrier.
The source of the video was this blog The kids in the video making the dots with paint, hands, bodies was a heartwarming lift. All inspired by the book "The Dot" by Peter H. Reynolds. I HAD to know what this was about...So, I went to BabelFish and translated the page from Portuguese to English. I learned that the school had won a contest sponsored by the book publisher. The scene in the end, with the hands sticking through the dots was the winning photo.
I was moved so much by this video. I emailed everyone at FableVision that I could think of. I marveled at the creativity and the passion. "The Dot" was my first favorite Peter H. Reynolds. Watching this video unfold was magical.
My favorite quote from the blog......
".. porque a imaginação não tem limites !"
"Because the imagination does not have limits."
"O Ponto" faz a diferença...
...porque acrescenta uns pontos à ordem, muitas vezes, pré estabelecida.
Estamos sem palavras!
Thank you !
Educadoras de Infância : Flávia Domingues e Teresa Lontro
3 comentários:
Mais uma vez e sempre, de parabéns!!!
Boas férias!
Vamos ver se conseguimos trazer cá o Peter. Pelo menos, vontade não lhe falta.
Seria fantástico.
Beijinhos e abraço do Miguel e da Cláudia.
Miguel e Cláudia.
Seria fantástico. Vamos imaginar (sonhar)que sim, que é possivel, e a imaginação não tem limites.... :)
Aproveitamos para agradecer à Bruaá pela publicação deste livro(soberbo).
Por aqui, foi com toda a certeza, um livro que marcou...
Muito obrigada a todos quantos nos fizeram chegar de alguma forma o seu feed back . Dá-nos alento.
Saímos todos muito mais enriquecidos!
Abraços e até breve
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